Sermon Notes: Robert’s Rules For Prayer

Jesus in Pray

Jesus in Pray (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The following are Pastor Crutchfield’s notes from the 6/30/2013 service at Compassion Church of Katy. They are adapted from an article by the same title he wrote over a decade ago.

By Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield, Senior Pastor Compassion Church of Katy

Despite the fact that I call them rules. You can have a prayer life without following them. There is also much more about prayer that can be said. This humble list is just meant as a starting point. What follows are guidelines that I have used to have a more rewarding prayer life. I pray they will bless yours as well.

1)PRAY WITH GRATITUDE-When asking the Lord for something, always take time to thank him for what he has done for you before. Before we were even alive Christ died for us on the cross. We all owe him more than we could ever repay.

2)PRAY ALONE AND IN PUBLIC– We have all seen them, the hypocrites that sit in church and act so pious. On Monday they are completely different people. Don’t fall to the temptation of only praying for public consumption. Pray also when you are alone and can contemplate what God has to say to you personally. Consider what Christ himself said in,

Mathew 6:5-6

When you pray don’t be like hypocrites. They love to pray standing in the synagogues, and on the street corners so that people will see them. I assure you that is the only reward they will get. But when you pray goto you room, shut the door, and pray to your father who is in that secret place. Your father who sees what you do in secret will reward you.”

Jesus is not say that we should not pray together or in public at all. However he is saying that you should pray even when alone, or especially when you are alone. He is also reminding us that we should pray to speak to our father in heaven, not to “showboat” for others.

3)PRAY FOR ANYONE WHO ASKS– It is very hard for anyone to ask for help. In our increasingly secular world it is even harder to ask others to pray for us. When someone asks you to pray for them, do so. Intercessory prayer is a ministry which is both suitable for, and within the ability of every believer. Think about this as we look at what the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy in,

1Timothy 2:1-3

First of all then, I ask that requests, prayers, petitions, and thanksgiving be made for all people. Pray for kings, and everyone who is in authority so that we can live a quiet and peaceful life in complete godliness and dignity. This is right and pleases God our savior…”

Notice that in this verse we are taught not only that we should pray for ALL people. This same verse validates our first point about praying with gratitude. It also covers our next point about praying for others more than yourself. When God grants you the opportunity to pray for someone else grab it ! The greatest blessing may be yours not theirs. As we have talked about before you don’t even need to know someone’s need to pray for them. God knows every name, God knows every need ! If you feel in your heart the need to pray for someone you know do it ! At that moment they may be facing a battle that only they and God will ever know about. But they will wage that battle better with your prayers behind them.

4)PRAY FOR OTHERS MORE THAN FOR YOURSELF– The Christian walk is about service! There can be no such thing as a selfish Christian. No matter how bad the challenges facing us seem, others are facing worse. Pray for others in your neighborhood who do not yet know Christ or are hurting. Pray for our nation’s leaders. We are constantly surrounded by those needing prayer. Make it part of your prayer life to make sure they get it.

5)PRAY THROUGHOUT THE DAY– It can be helpful to set aside a certain time of day for prayer. However prayer should not be just a part of your life. It should be a part of your entire daily routine.

Consider what Paul wrote in,

1 Thessalonians 5:16-21

Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for

you in Christ Jesus. Don’t brush off spirit-inspired messages, but examine everything carefully and hang on to what is good.”

Now this verse also reinforces several of our points 1) first we should pray continuously. Our thoughts should always be seeking God’s counsel. 2) It speaks again about how we should express our thanks to God When praying. 3) It also reminds us that prayer is a conversation between us and God, and cautions us not to cut off his messages.

Take a minute now and then to let the Lord know how you are doing. He misses you between conversations.

About Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield

Bi-vocational minister who is Founder and Editor of FaithInspires.Org As seen in Google News, SelfGrowth.Com, etc.

Posted on June 30, 2013, in Prayer and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

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