Preaching as an Act of Listening

By Robert A. Crutchfield, Founder and Editor FaithInspires.Org

Most of the time when we think of preaching, we think of speaking and of course it is. I also am blessed to have been gifted by God with a strong speaking voice, and  a quick mind which greatly enables that gift. What amazes me is how much listening can go into great preaching.

When I preach it rarely turns out exactly the way I wrote it. As I am preaching the Holy Spirit nearly always adds to what I have to say. Its not unusual for me to step out of the pulpit thinking, ” Boy I wish I had thought of that parable, or verse or illustration when I was writing today’s sermon !”

Several people have even commented that they can see much of  a prophetic nature to my sermons. They could be  right. What I do now that we probably all should more often seek the Holy Spirit as the co-author of our messages. How do I know that it is the Holy Spirit at work at such times ? Simply, that nothing short of the spirit of God would work so hard, and so directly to advance HIS purposes.

So how do we add this power to our sermons ? Unfortunately I don’t think this can be completely taught. There is very much a metaphysical aspect  to this kind of preaching. Prayer of course is as always a good start. Prayer that the Holy Spirit fills us to overflowing, especially when we are preaching. Prayer that our minds will be open to the Spirit’s leading when it is there. Prayer that we will properly interpret what God is trying to tell us through his spirit.

Perhaps most importantly we have to open our hearts and our earthbound minds to the possibility of preaching this way. We also as in inquiring many other skills must be willing to practice this type of preaching before attempting it in front of  a”live” congregation. It also is  a type of preaching which requires a great deal of trust in God. So it requires a degree of Christian maturity that allows a preacher to let go of himself and his abilities, and truly turn his message over to God. Then again if we are truly preaching as we should isn’t it actually God’s message to begin with ?


About Rev. Robert A. Crutchfield

Bi-vocational minister who is Founder and Editor of FaithInspires.Org As seen in Google News, SelfGrowth.Com, etc.

Posted on April 24, 2016, in Church Leadership, Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Exactly. This is what I find when I set out to write a letter. I have an idea of what I want to communicate, but it’s seldom ends up the way I started. I’m encouraged to see you find the same thing when preaching.

  2. Horace Nicolds

    The Apostles were told the Holy Spirit would provide them with what they were to say and He still does. Years ago, when I didn’t believe in the direct work of the Spirit in this age, I would wonder where some of these ideas I would have while preaching were coming from but they always seemed to fit into my sermon as He guided me, but, of course, I never considered it the work of the Spirit back then. Now I know, thanks for the clarity. שלום (peace).

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